The GoGlobal Blog


I’ve Got 99 Problems…

I’ve Got 99 Problems…

… and they’re all about class registration

This post will be a short one, simply reflecting on my study abroad process.

I started doing research in early March 2014. There were requirements, times, regulations and other logistical information to confirm in order to successfully adhere to applications, deadlines, requirements, etc.

Also, I am temporarily enrolled in another school connected to LUC through another institution. That’s three different people that need to say yes to each step I take in this process.

Everyone did their best to step up and answer my questions, but as life goes, there were some mistakes made along the way.

From communication, misinformation, a rejection here and there, and need for correction here and there, postponed elaborating (that means I was told too late) and more, confusion about my classes and registration – which wasn’t complete until the middle of October or the second week of classes – was aplenty.

This was the case for many of my peers studying abroad. There was frustration, but eventually all worked out. We were able to make peace and finally enjoy our time. I would simply say to any future study abrad-ers to not expect things to be perfect and clear upon arrival.

Things will get lost in translation even if you speak the same language. I wish someone told me that.

Until next time,


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