The GoGlobal Blog


Trekking through Thailand

Trekking through Thailand

Well folks, I’ve finally done it. I’ve achieved one of my life-long-bucket-list-dream-goals … an absolutely incredible trip to Thailand. It was everything I wanted and more … stunning sights, delicious food, and adorable friends to spend time with. Such an amazing week–I don’t even know where to begin!!

Okay, that’s a little bit of lie. I can start with our flight–we left Saigon on Wednesday night and hopped right on over to Bangkok. It was quick and painless … and for the first time ever, I was actually able to sit in a row with my friends!! Such a little goofy thing, but still so much fun for me. That evening, after a long taxi ride (with a fabulous view of the Bangkok skyline), we checked into our cute  boutique hotel. Then we set out in search of decent Thai food … and after a little too long (how many Japanese places does one neighborhood need? My GOD.) we finally found some!! I had my favorite dish, pad see ew, paired with  fabulous Thai iced tea, called “milk tea.” I wish I could say that my meal was comparable to Thai Grill or Summer Thai back in Chicago … it wasn’t even in the same realm. So fresh, and so, so good.  I was so excited to keep eating–I had to restrain myself from ordering more!

The next morning, we hung out and waited for the rest of the crew to arrive. We quickly realized, however, that it’s almost impossible to sightsee, maneuver public transit, and make big decisions as a huge group. So, Dan and I set out together, with similar desires to see as many temples as possible in our two days … and perhaps fitting in some shopping too! We managed to figure out the sky train (oh my gosh, Bangkok WINS at public transit. It puts the L to SHAME.) Then, we clambered onto a somewhat touristy river ferry and sailed to the main temple area, where we explored Wat Arun (Temple of the Sun) and Wat Pho (Temple of the Reclining Buddha). Both were gorgeous; it was just so hot. I didn’t think it could get much hotter than Saigon … boy, was I wrong!! Dan and I were ready to call it quits when we stumbled upon a lowly mango-and-sticky-rice vendor–and oh my goodness, it was life changing. The combination of sweet and salty and the multitude of textures was just too delicious. Then we took the river ferry back and explored Siam Square, the most amazing and futuristic mall. We had just finished a mediocre dinner when we discovered a La Duree macaron shop (in Bangkok?!) … Dan was so excited, and I was too! It was the most perfect ending to a wonderful day.

Friday we were up bright and early again, and off to see the Grand Palace, a complex of temples and royal offices. I almost didn’t want to go… the very thought of getting all the way there and all of the sweating that was going to happen made me want to stay cuddled in my cozy down comforter. But I am so glad that I went. It was so beautiful; the absolute epitome of what I think of when I picture Thailand in my head. I felt so at peace–I love the commanded quiet of these Asian temples, versus the crowded business of European churches. The sparkly temple facades (strangely) made me think of the “It’s a Small World” ride in Disneyland … I was humming the song the entire time while touring around the complex grounds. Later that evening, Dan and I got Thai massages (obviously) and had La Duree again (whoops!). I just love exploring and living in big cities … I feel so at home, regardless of where I am in the world.

My Saturday was pretty relaxed, which was much needed after the two previous crazy days of sightseeing. My lovely roommates and I checked out at noon and spent the afternoon wandering the city. Then we relaxed at the hotel and caught a night bus to Chiang Mai. Getting ourselves to the bus was a slightly harrowing experience (Bangkok cabs are a HUGE pain in the butt), but we were each so excited to travel to this tiny mountain town and escape the big city for a little while. We arrived at 6:30AM on Sunday, quite exhausted and feeling just a tad disgusting. Sadly, our hotel wouldn’t let us check in until 2PM, so we decided to see as many temples as possible before taking a very rewarding nap. So, we grabbed some breakfast and went exploring. It was wonderful … but we were each so tired. We finally checked in around 3PM and absolutely crashed. Five hours later (!!) and our deliriously hungry stomachs woke us up. We wandered the night market and found food … I had tom kha ga soup (lemongrass, coconut milk, and chicken) with a glass of chilled white wine. It was absolutely perfect. The perfect group of hilarious, adorable friends; amazing food; and a beautiful, peaceful place to explore at our leisure. I literally couldn’t have asked for more.We slept well that night … not surprisingly!

Monday morning we set off with a bang, heading towards the mountains for Wat Phra That Doi Suthep, a beautiful Buddhist cliff temple. After a lot of steps and a lot more pictures, we headed to lunch at one of Chiang Mai’s top Thai restaurants (more sweet mango and sticky rice? YES please). Then we spent the late afternoon at a super touristy (but super FUN) 3D art museum … it was absolutely hilarious (impromptu photoshoots with adorable friends are always the best), and a great way to end our  trip. At 8:30PM we were back on the dreaded night bus back to Bangkok, and then a flight home that Tuesday!

I cannot express how deeply I am in love with Thailand. I will certainly be back, as soon as possible! Even as I write this post, I am already missing the sights and the food … but I have to move on, as the entire Loyola program leaves for our Central and Northern Vietnam excursion tomorrow morning. One day off from traveling and we are at it again! While I’m completely exhausted, I realize how lucky I am to be having this incredible experience. I couldn’t be happier doing what I love … traveling the world. Stay posted!!


My warrior name is Beyonce Pad Thai.




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