The GoGlobal Blog


Halfway there!

Halfway there!

It is very exciting and very sad to say that I have reached the halfway point of my study abroad here in Costa Rica. I have friends counting down the days I come back, and I won’t lie, I have a countdown app on my phone as well, but it’s bittersweet to think about leaving …

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Blogging on Hiatus

Blogging on Hiatus

Hey guys- I know it has been awhile since I last posted.  Unfortunately, I have been caught up with midterms and mid-semester projects for the last two weeks, so I have been unable to keep y’all updated with the state of my journey. Since I have a bit of time before I leave tomorrow for …

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Versailles at night is a must

Versailles at night is a must

So I apologize for there being no recent updates on my trip… But I have finally downloaded all the picture from my camera to my computer. The weather has been amazing. We are truly lucky to have such warm weather here for the start of fall (it’s been 60-65 degrees and sunny which apparently never …

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The London Packing List

The London Packing List

Anyone who has traveled to another country can explain the benefits of packing light. Most international airlines have baggage charges that can get pretty expensive. Normal struggles of getting through TSA and customs multiply when traveling with many, and often heavy, bags. Most importantly, though, you don’t want to have five bags worth of clothes …

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A whole new world

A whole new world

Culture shock was, thankfully, not a huge problem in my transition to Costa Rica.  Although nothing was too shocking to me, there are a good deal of differences between Costa Rica and the United States.  Please note that these observations are neither good nor bad, but rather just things I have noticed that vary from …

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“Very Vietnamese”

“Very Vietnamese”

My Basic Vietnamese professor, Mister Truc, uses this phrase to describe his “beautiful” American students, whenever our pronunciations are on point. He praises our attempts at speaking the language with the biggest smile on his face, saying, “Ah, you sound very Vietnamese! So lovely!” It’s hilarious, because in truth we sound quite awful, but the compliments are nice …

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Communication is Key

Communication is Key

One thing I have repeatedly taken for granted in the U.S is the ability to communicate with almost everyone I came into contact with. Questions like:  “How much does this cost?”  “Where is the bathroom?” “How do I get to ___?”  are easily conveyed in my native tongue, English. I can even manage to ask …

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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun(ghi)!

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun(ghi)!

“Oh, when the working week is done, oh girls just want to have funghi! Oooh, girls just wanna have funghi!” My very own version of that feel good classic was swirling around my head the entire weekend as we climbed our way through the mountainous terrain around Cuano Mutri to devour some mushrooms. All Cyndi …

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A Weekend in the Mountains

A Weekend in the Mountains

WARNING: This post contains mushrooms, mountains, and majestic scenery. This weekend I had the absolute best part of my study abroad experience to date! On Friday 25 of my fellow classmates and I took off for 2 nights in a small town called Cusano Mutri in the region of Campania. Although we were lured by the …

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Exploring Saigon

Exploring Saigon

Well, hello there!! I’m currently sitting in an adorable little coffee shop in the heart of District 1 of Saigon, sipping some sweet, tropical tea. I think it’s mango-flavored, but I couldn’t be sure. I don’t speak much Vietnamese and most people here don’t speak English, so I’m not quite sure what I ordered–a day spent exploring …

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