The GoGlobal Blog


Blogging on Hiatus

Blogging on Hiatus

Hey guys-

I know it has been awhile since I last posted.  Unfortunately, I have been caught up with midterms and mid-semester projects for the last two weeks, so I have been unable to keep y’all updated with the state of my journey.

Since I have a bit of time before I leave tomorrow for Fall Break, I thought I would offer a couple of thoughts that I have accumulated during my last few weeks of traveling and studying.  First off, I have visited both Munich and Stockholm since last blogging.  My initial reactions to both these cities were just how clean and colorful they both were.  Although both are modern cities with modern architecture, both incorporate classic European design, including rows of cute shops all painted different shades of pink, yellow, orange, and red.  At the same time, both cities tended to be much more “Americanized” than other cities that I have seen thus far in Italy.  By this, I mean that both Munich and Stockholm have numerous American fast food shops to eat in, convenient stores such as 7-Eleven (particularly in Stockholm), and are more likely to accept credit cards instead of cash, unlike Italy which is very much a cash country.  In fact, in Sweden, there were stores that only accepted credit cards instead of cash, since right now in Sweden, there is a push to go paperless in all consumer transactions.

Now that Fall Break is upon me, I will be traveling with other members of JFRC to Greece for a study trip.  This trip will not only include visiting several Greek islands, but also the archeological and historical sights around Athens and Greece.

Most likely, there will be another blog post in about two weeks, since I will be fully done with midterms and other examinations by then.

Ciao da Roma!



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