The GoGlobal Blog


Whistle while you work.

Whistle while you work.

Something has come to my attention in the last couple weeks. While studying abroad you really do have to study.  This week has been my midterms and I have two exams, three papers, and a debate in Spanish. Most of the students I am studying with agree that although the coursework is manageable, it is still more than they were expecting. At Loyola, grades received while studying abroad are calculated directly into your GPA, so slacking while abroad will show when you apply for jobs. Don’t let all of my beach pictures confuse you, this is still school.

That being said I am still very proud of my decision to study abroad.  I have made some awesome friends, and I hope we can plan a reunion after we all return to our regular universities.  My host family is still as sweet as when I first met them. They have been so kind to me over the last two months.  My host family and my new friends have made this experience overwhelmingly positive.

Last weekend was one of the few weekends I have stayed in Heredia and did not traveled to a beach, mountain or hot springs. My friends visited a carnival in Limon. I chose to stay because of the work to do for midterms, and my host family did not have the best things to say about Limon.  Thankfully, I got my work done, and (most of) my friends reported back pleased about their trip to Limon.

Although I did not travel last weekend, I still have a couple fun stories of local adventures.  About two weeks ago I have the opportunity to meet a friend of the USAC program director, who is an artist. I honestly was not expecting much of the art we were going to his house to see. I was absolutely blown away by what I saw.  The artist we met is a retired art professor, whose specialty is wood carving. Below are several pictures of his work, because a picture can say a thousand words and I am at a loss to describe the quality, quantity, and intricate detail of his carvings.  The artist’s name is Nestor Zeledon Guzman, and he refuses to sell any of his work.

This weekend we are visiting Tamarindo in the Guanecaste region of Costa Rica. I am so excited to be able to go spend a weekend at the beach after having a slightly stressful week of midterms.

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