Tag: Babysitting

The Third Week Of Classes

The Third Week Of Classes

Somehow time has once again fooled me into believing that I had more time than I thought. I can not believe that it is already the third week of classes!

If you ask me, it still feels like the first week, or the infamous “syllabus week”.

This is a wonderful week during which professors spend class time going over the class rules and expectations and there is little to no work involved. So you can imagine the bitter surprise when I looked in my to-do notebook and realized that yes, in fact this is the third week and things are really starting to pick up!

The first items on my agenda that I noticed were my extracurricular activities that begin this week. I’ve been enjoying my semester with classes that get done between 12:00 and 2:00, which means that I have the rest of the day for myself. But this time of extra sleep, extra workouts, extra reading is slowly coming to an end. I will now babysit until 6:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays for a family of three children, the same family that I babysat for last year. Loyola’s chapter of UNICEF is starting up its weekly meetings from 7:00-8:00 on Tuesdays. And finally my Wednesdays are taken up by tutoring at Jordan Elementary through L4C for a couple hours right after class.

While all of these commitments may mean that I will get less sleep and feel a little more stressed, I enjoy doing them and always manage to adjust to the busy schedule so that i survive. Plus, being involved in campus organizations is usually really fun and a great way to constantly meet new people.


The Lincoln Park Zoo

The Lincoln Park Zoo

I have two jobs while at school: babysitting and this blog.

Sometimes while babysitting I get to do really fun things with the kids like take them to the park or to a museum. This past Friday was one of those fun days as we went to the Lincoln Park Zoo.

The Lincoln Park zoo is special/awesome because it is completely free! It is located in Lincoln Park on Cannon Dr. It is very easy to get to.

One of the boys I babysit was the most excited to see the Seals, so that is where we went first. After the Seals, we saw: Tigers, Bears, Wolfs, Monkeys, Snakes, Otters and Polar Bears.

As we were leaving the zoo, the kids saw a face painting station and we had to stop. They had dozens of different animals and designs that anyone could get their face painted to look like. It was great! One of the kids got a Lion while the other got a Blue Dragon.

We had a great day at the zoo and even as we left the kids were asking their mom when they were going to get to go back.

Face painting at Lincoln Park Zoo