Stories about Accessories from Loyola

So often a ring is not just a ring. Accessories more than any other piece of clothing comes with a story or a meaning. We decided to go around Loyola and find some of these special pieces, these are a few of those stories. Peyton Holler’s story “My mom went to Ireland in November and

Athleisure, Look It Up

It’s official: Athleisure has been added to the Marriam – Webster dictionary. Defined as, “casual clothing designed to be worn both for exercising and for general use”, we asked our CHIC students some questions about this trending style.   Q: How do you feel about high fashion brands turning sweats and tees into big ticket

She Showed Us Her CHIC-See What Happened!

Meet Nikki Hotzapfel, a junior nursing major at Loyola! She has been showing us her chic by tagging us on Instagram and  using our hashtags #ShowUsYourCHIC and #StrongWomenStrongStyle. Would you like to be featured on our blog? Start tagging! Want to have your own photo shoot with CHICago Style? Tag us in your pictures on

Join the Fight: Colleges Against Cancer

The amount of people who have been affected by cancer is  unimaginable. As a college student, sometimes we feel as if there is nothing we can do to make a difference in the mass amount of people’s lives who have been affected by this terrible disease. CHICago Style sat down with Madeline Lewis, the president

Spread Your Spirit: 5 Ways to Rock your Favorite Sports Teams T-Shirts While Looking Fabulous

Are you constantly in an inner struggle to represent your favorite team/organization or look stylish? Well now you don’t have to choose. We came up with five simple ways you can style your t-shirt that look fabulous, but still let you represent the colors you bleed.  Comfy Cool: Cardigan, jeans, beanie, booties, sports shirt. 2. Spirited Scholar: Skirt,