Stories about Accessories from Loyola

So often a ring is not just a ring. Accessories more than any other piece of clothing comes with a story or a meaning. We decided to go around Loyola and find some of these special pieces, these are a few of those stories. Peyton Holler’s story “My mom went to Ireland in November and

She Showed Us Her CHIC-See What Happened!

Meet Nikki Hotzapfel, a junior nursing major at Loyola! She has been showing us her chic by tagging us on Instagram and  using our hashtags #ShowUsYourCHIC and #StrongWomenStrongStyle. Would you like to be featured on our blog? Start tagging! Want to have your own photo shoot with CHICago Style? Tag us in your pictures on


Want to win some Vineyard Vines goodies? First follow us on Instagram and Twitter @mychicagostyle then tweet at us “I <3 @mychicagostyle” for your name to be entered into our drawing! You could win a Vineyard Vines long sleeve, can coozie, Tervis, or mittens! Winners will be announced THIS FRIDAY! TWEET AWAY CHIC STUDENTS! -Special thanks to Michael Arnold