Athleisure, Look It Up

It’s official: Athleisure has been added to the Marriam – Webster dictionary. Defined as, “casual clothing designed to be worn both for exercising and for general use”, we asked our CHIC students some questions about this trending style.   Q: How do you feel about high fashion brands turning sweats and tees into big ticket

She Showed Us Her CHIC-See What Happened!

Meet Nikki Hotzapfel, a junior nursing major at Loyola! She has been showing us her chic by tagging us on Instagram and  using our hashtags #ShowUsYourCHIC and #StrongWomenStrongStyle. Would you like to be featured on our blog? Start tagging! Want to have your own photo shoot with CHICago Style? Tag us in your pictures on

Join the Fight: Colleges Against Cancer

The amount of people who have been affected by cancer is  unimaginable. As a college student, sometimes we feel as if there is nothing we can do to make a difference in the mass amount of people’s lives who have been affected by this terrible disease. CHICago Style sat down with Madeline Lewis, the president

The Man. The Myth. The Legend. Allen Duoji.

To celebrate the conclusion of Men’s fashion Week we thought we would change things up a bit and feature a male student for our CHIC of the Week! We caught up with Allen Duoji. Allen enjoys long walks on the beach, watching puppy videos, and singing along to musicals– and we are just kidding! Allen