Not Risky Business Anymore

Six Business Casual Items That Will Enhance Your Wardrobe

Never doubt again what to wear when your professor says “dress business casual.” We listed six essential items every college student should have and seven great business casual outfits great for any presentation, interview, or internship!

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Items you should have in your closet:

1. Silk tank (get the same one here)

2. Button up shirt (get one like it here)

3. Blazer (get the exact one here)

4. Pencil Skirt (get a similar one here)

5. Black Slacks (get them here)

6. Little Black Dress (get one like it here)

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Screen Shot 2015-11-10 at 1.54.08 AMskirt

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dress skirt


skirt shirt shirt

Tag us in your business casual outfits on Instagram and Twitter! Also, hashtag #ShowUsYourCHIC for a chance to be featured on our blog!