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  • Ashour Aziz

  • Christopher Campbell

  • Jim Pardonek

  • Marco Garcia

  • Mykael Baig

  • It’s IRS SPAM Season Again

    April 11th, 2013

    by Jim Pardonek

    As we get closer to the tax filing deadline, many of us have received or are anticipating a refund (at least we hope so). Spammers, looking to make a quick buck, sometimes hundreds of dollars, use this opportune time to send messages aimed at getting one’s personal information and thus access the one’s bank account. […]

    August 13, 2013 Phishing Report

    August 13th, 2013

    by Jim Pardonek

    The Latest phish received contains the following subject line: “Faculty/ Staff/ Employee Notification” The Body of the email reads: Institution account routine, this has been made mandatory for all users.Due to the IP Security upgrades we have reason to believe that your webmail account was accessed by a third party. You are advice to re-validate […]

    August 14, 2013 Phishing Report

    August 14th, 2013

    by Jim Pardonek

    The following phish email was received claiming a reset of a non-existent message center database that requests the user validate their mailbox Begin forwarded message: From: Date: August 13, 2013, 6:17:38 PM CDT To: undisclosed-recipients:; Dear Email User, Due to database maintenance equipment that is happening in our email message center. Our […]

    Tips for Cyber Monday and Black Friday Shopping

    November 27th, 2013

    by Mykael Baig

    Only shop at reputable websites and with sites that start with https://: Shop at sites that you know, do not start with a search engine. Also watch out for misspellings of a well known website, known as typosquatting. These misspelled websites could be connected to a botnet for the purpose of stealing your bank account […]

    Holiday Phishing Scams

    Holiday Phishing Scams

    December 2nd, 2013

    by Mykael Baig

    As the holiday season approaches, it is important to be aware of seasonal scams and cyber campaigns.

    Visual Tips On Identifying Phishing Emails

    Visual Tips On Identifying Phishing Emails

    February 5th, 2014

    by Mykael Baig

    Click here for the full size image. The poster above gives a great visual example of specific things to look out for when identifying a possible spam email. “The poster was developed as a community project. We would like to thank the following people for their invaluable expertise and experience in developing this poster. Cheryl […]

    Major Security Flaw in iOS and OS X

    February 24th, 2014

    by Mykael Baig

    Apple has announced that there is a major security flaw in iOS and OS X last Friday, February 21st. The flaw allows emails and communications to be intercepted through means of a Man in the Middle Attack. Apple has released a patch for the current version of iOS for iPhones 4 and later along with […]

    World Backup Day

    March 31st, 2014

    by Mykael Baig

    Today is World Backup Day. Take the time to backup your files on a USB stick or on something like Dropbox. Should you ever lose your device, you will still have precious files like family photos in the backup. World Backup Day Page Apple Backup Instructions Windows Backup Instructions

    Missing Malaysian Airliner Scam

    April 2nd, 2014

    by Mykael Baig

    If you receive a email or see a Facebook post that claims to have photos or a video of the missing airliner, do not click it. Malware can be spread through these links and questionnaires that are asking for your personal information are being shared on Facebook. There is not a reputable entity that would […]

    The Gist of Heartbleed

    April 10th, 2014

    by Mykael Baig

    What is going on?! ———————————————————- On April 7, 2014 a simple coding flaw was discovered in OpenSSL. OpenSSL is an encryption library used, predominantly by Linux and Unix-based systems, to secure data as it traverses the Internet (keeps your data from getting in the hands of others). The coding flaw (CVE-2014-0160) was introduced into OpenSSL […]