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Archive for the ‘Tips’ Category

OUCH! March Edition – “Disposing of Your Mobile Device”

OUCH! March Edition – “Disposing of Your Mobile Device”

March 6th, 2019

Folks, We are excited to announce March’s OUCH! newsletter – “Disposing of Your Mobile Device“. Led by Guest Editor and mobile device expert Chris Crowley, we cover how to securely wipe your mobile device before getting rid of it. You have a tremendous amount of highly sensitive and personal information on your mobile devices. Who […]

OUCH! September Edition – BEC/CEO Fraud

OUCH! September Edition – BEC/CEO Fraud

February 6th, 2019

  Folks, We are excited to announce February’s edition of the OUCH! newsletter – “Personalized Scams”. This is a really important one as cyber criminals have changed tactics. Led by Guest Editor and SANS Instructor Lenny Zeltser, we show you how bad guys are now personalizing even the most common scams. Cyber criminals can easily […]

Urgent Warning Phish

August 22nd, 2022

The latest phishing email looks to be coming from an LUC email address that appears to be compromised.  Notice the misspelling of the work administrator and the poor grammar in the second sentence.  These phishing emails tend to occur more frequently at the beginning of a semester and are more likely to target new students […]

OUCH! Newsletter – Securely Using Mobile Apps

June 10th, 2021

Overview Mobile devices, such as tablets, smartphones, and smartwatches, have become one of the primary technologies we use in both our personal and professional lives. What makes these devices so powerful are the thousands of apps we can choose from. These apps enable us to be more productive, communicate and share with others, train and […]

SANS OUCH! – Securely Using the Cloud

August 5th, 2021

Note:  This article from SANS discusses how to securely store data in the cloud.  Please be aware that the ONLY approved storage service for Loyola University Chicago data is Loyola’s OneDrive or SharePoint.   Overview You may have heard of a concept called “the cloud.” This means using a service provider on the internet to […]

Microsoft warns of a Windows zero-day security hole that is being actively exploited

September 10th, 2021

In a security advisory, Microsoft has warned that malicious hackers are exploiting an unpatched vulnerability in Windows to launch targeted attacks against organizations. According to Microsoft, attacks exploiting the vulnerability have targeted companies via boobytrapped Microsoft Office documents. In short, a typical timeline of infection might go something like this: One of your users downloads […]

December Edition of OUCH!: Anti-virus

December 4th, 2014

SANS has released their December edition of OUCH!, covering the functions and limitations of anti-virus. “We are excited to announce the December issue of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Jake Williams, we explain what anti-virus is, how it works and its limitations.  Ultimately, our goal is for people to understand that while anti-virus helps […]

November Edition of OUCH!: Social Engineering

November 11th, 2014

SANS has released their November edition of OUCH!, covering social engineering. “We are excited to announce the November issue of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Alissa Torres, we cover Social Engineering.  Specifically, we explain what it is, how cyber attackers use social engineering to get what they want and the different ways people […]

October Edition of OUCH!: Five Steps to Staying Secure

October 1st, 2014

SANS has released their October edition of OUCH! with five steps to staying secure with all types of technology. “We are excited to announce the October issue of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Lenny Zeltser, we cover the top five steps to staying secure. With both technology and threats constantly evolving, people are […]

Welcome to National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October 8th, 2015

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), conducted every October since 2004, this national public awareness campaign is intended to encourage everyone to protect their computers and our nation’s critical cyber infrastructure. Cyber security requires vigilance 365 days per year. However, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), and […]