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Archive for May, 2017

Latest Phish

May 26th, 2017

There is a new phish circulating this morning that uses to direct you to a web site that will ask for your credentials.  A sample is below.  Remember no one at Loyola will ever send you an email that threatens to disable your account while asking you to “log in to verify” your credentials. […]

Latest Phishing Email

May 23rd, 2017

We continue to receive phishing emails from sites created on Weebly.  Although we have temporarily blocked access to Weebly from on campus, students, faculty and staff that access their email from off campus are still vulnerable if they click the link and provide their credentials.  Loyola University Chicago does not send email account warnings that […]

Multiple Phishing Email

Multiple Phishing Email

May 4th, 2017

Over the last several days, the university has experienced a number of phishing email attempts that are designed to steal your uvid and password. The general format for these messages is similar to: Dear Luc® Email users! Our web administrator has been notify of some Unwarranted /Unauthorized activities in our Webmail database For these reason […]