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Archive for June, 2016

June Edition of OUCH! – Encryption

June 2nd, 2016

We are excited to announce the June issue of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Francesca Bosco, a privacy lawyer at the United Nations, we focus on encryption. Far too often we tell people to encrypt their information and their devices, but many people do not understand what encryption is, how it works or […]

June 13th, 2016 Phishing Report

June 13th, 2016

Beware of a new email phishing scam that is targeting Loyola. The email will be similar to the text below, and contains a link to a non-Loyola site that will collect your user credentials.  The linked site is now blocked for users on the University network.   Your LUC mailbox has exceeded it storage limit […]

Spam Email: “ITS Help Center”

June 16th, 2016

Several Loyola staff and faculty have received an email that appears to be from a Loyola ITS department requesting that they verify the “security of their account.” Clicking their “Loyola Security” link will bring you to a non-Loyola webpage. From what we understand the page’s intent is to only harvest information, namely the UVID and password. […]