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Archive for the ‘Public Service Announcement’ Category

“Bash” Bug Affecting Linux, Mac OS, and Potentially More Systems

“Bash” Bug Affecting Linux, Mac OS, and Potentially More Systems

September 29th, 2014

A French IT manager recently discovered a flaw in the way millions of devices communicate across the internet.  The bug is found in “bash,” which is a program that translates human-readable commands into a language readable by the computer’s operating system.  This bug affects any device that can connect to the internet and uses the operating […]

October Edition of OUCH!: Five Steps to Staying Secure

October 1st, 2014

SANS has released their October edition of OUCH! with five steps to staying secure with all types of technology. “We are excited to announce the October issue of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Lenny Zeltser, we cover the top five steps to staying secure. With both technology and threats constantly evolving, people are […]

October – National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October 1st, 2014

Brief History: In October 2004, the National Cyber Security Alliance and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security declared October as National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) to spread awareness of cyber security, and to provide all Americans the information needed to stay secure online.  Since its beginning 11 years ago, the idea and awareness has spread […]

April 28th, 2015 Phishing Report

April 28th, 2015

Beware of a new phishing attempt going around asking users to follow a link to access some e-mail messages. The Information Security Office has received many notifications of this e-mail floating around. The e-mail format is as follows: “Subject: Re: Urgent/Important Maintainance Dear, In regards to the ongoing maintainance. Some of your important messages […]

February Edition of OUCH! Home Network Security

February 9th, 2016

  Sans has just released the February issue of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Cheryl Conley of Lockheed Martin, we focus on securing your home network. With so many devices nowadays connecting to people’s homes, we felt it was important that people understand how to secure them. As such, we ask you share OUCH! with your family, friends, […]

Password Change Scam Email

Password Change Scam Email

February 29th, 2016

Several Loyola staff and faculty have received an email that appears to be from a Loyola email address requesting that they change their password. The link in the email will open to a page that looks to be an official Password Change page from the university.  Although this page is not in the normal Loyola […]

March Edition of OUCH! – What Is Malware?

March 2nd, 2016

Sans has released the March edition of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Lenny Zeltser, we focus on malware. Specifically, what malware is and the key steps you can take to protect yourself against it. (Hint: it’s not just anti-virus software.) As such, we ask you share OUCH! with your family, friends, and coworkers. […]

April Edition of OUCH! – I’m Hacked, Now What?

April 6th, 2016

Check out the April issue of OUCH! led by Guest Editor Samantha Davison, head of security awareness at Uber. Samantha discusses the topic “I’m Hacked, Now What.” More specifically, she describes clues you can use to tell if your system has been hacked, and, if so, what you can do about it. This is a […]

SPAM Email Contains Ransomware

April 7th, 2016

Early this morning, Loyola email users may have noticed an email in their inbox that appears ot come from a legitimate source containing a Word document that has an embedded program that attempts to install ransomware named “Locky” The email looks to be from: and has the subject line: “Your Latest Documents from Angel […]

Thursday May 5th is World Password Day

May 5th, 2016

  May 5 is World Password Day, an annual effort to encourage safe password practices. The World Password Day 2016 theme is multi-factor authentication (MFA) – also called two-factor authentication (2FA) or two-step verification – which provides an extra layer of security to your online activities. The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), a proud champion […]