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Archive for the ‘Public Service Announcement’ Category

February Edition of OUCH!: Staying Secure on the Road

February 5th, 2015

SANS has released their February edition of OUCH!, covering “how to securely stay online and get work done while traveling.” “We are excited to announce the February issue of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Steve Armstrong, we cover how to securely stay online and get work done while traveling.  With more and more people […]

March issue of OUCH!: Online Gaming

March 5th, 2015

SANS has released their February edition of OUCH!, covering “how you and your family can game online, but do it securely and safely.” “We are excited to announce the March issue of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Jake Williams, we cover online gaming.  Specifically, how you and your family can game online, but […]

March 17, 2015 Phishing Report

March 17th, 2015

Over the past several weeks, the Help Desk and Information Security Office have received complaints of numerous spam e-mails claiming that “Your e-mail account was LOGIN today by Unknown IP address:”. The subject line is generally “Support” and the e-mail instructs the user to “click on the Administrator link below and LOGIN”, which then provides a bogus link […]

April Edition of OUCH!: Passphrases

April 1st, 2015

SANS has released their April edition of OUCH!, covering passphrases, and why they are better than passwords. “We are excited to announce the April issue of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Guy Bruneau, we cover passphrases.  Specifically, what passphrases are, why they are better than passwords and how to use them securely.  As always, […]

November Edition of OUCH!: Social Engineering

November 11th, 2014

SANS has released their November edition of OUCH!, covering social engineering. “We are excited to announce the November issue of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Alissa Torres, we cover Social Engineering.  Specifically, we explain what it is, how cyber attackers use social engineering to get what they want and the different ways people […]

Apple Pay – How It Works

October 21st, 2014

As you’ve probably heard, Apple flipped the switch on it’s new payment system that it hopes will replace all the plastic cards in our wallets with virtual ones that live within our phones (note: card data is not actually stored there, but more on that later). Many analysts have said that this new payment system […]

Microsoft Ending Support for Older Versions of Internet Explorer

August 11th, 2014

Starting on January 12, 2016, Microsoft is going to stop releasing updates for versions of Internet Explorer earlier than IE 11. While this won’t be an issue for most Windows 8 users, users who are still using Windows Vista and Windows 7 will need to ensure that their version of Internet Explorer is updated within […]

New Ransomware Hits the Net – ZeroLocker

New Ransomware Hits the Net – ZeroLocker

September 3rd, 2014

Last week, security researchers identified a new ransomware trojan in the wild. This new variant, deemed ZeroLocker, operates in a similar fashion to last year’s CryptoLocker. Ransomware is a category of malware that restricts access to a computer or files and demands a ransom be paid to restore access. CryptoLocker and ZeroLocker accomplish this by […]

Nearly 5 Million Gmail Passwords Leaked

Nearly 5 Million Gmail Passwords Leaked

September 10th, 2014

Earlier today, Daily Dot reported that nearly 5 million Gmail usernames and passwords have been hacked and posted on a Russian Bitcoin forum.  The unknown hacker posted a screenshot of the database on the forum Tuesday evening, revealing some of the stolen usernames and passwords. As of earlier today, the list has been taken down […]

Home Depot – Disclosed Credit Card Information

Home Depot – Disclosed Credit Card Information

September 16th, 2014

After weeks of knowing about the issue, a report came out last week alerting the public that Home Depot’s computers have been hacked for about five months now, revealing the credit and debit card information of millions of customers. The hackers are still unknown, but are believed to be among two groups.  The hackers managed […]