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Archive for the ‘Public Service Announcement’ Category

Latest Phishing Email – 28/06/2020

June 29th, 2020

A new phishing email with the subject of 28/06/2020 has been showing up in email inboxes.  The body of the email contains the following text. Good day, I’m offering a personal assistant position that pays $500 weekly, several attempts to email you at your Edu Email keeps bouncing back due to the length of the […]

OUCH! Newsletter – Securely Using Mobile Apps

June 10th, 2021

Overview Mobile devices, such as tablets, smartphones, and smartwatches, have become one of the primary technologies we use in both our personal and professional lives. What makes these devices so powerful are the thousands of apps we can choose from. These apps enable us to be more productive, communicate and share with others, train and […]

OUCH! Newsletter – Securing Your Mobile Devices

July 12th, 2021

Overview Mobile devices are an amazing and easy way to communicate with friends, shop or bank online, watch movies, play games, and perform a myriad of other activities. Since these devices are such an important part of your life, it is essential to keep you and your devices safe and secure. Securing Your Devices It […]

OUCH! Newsletter: Privacy – Protecting Your Digital Footprint

April 7th, 2021

What is Privacy?  There are many different definitions of “privacy.” We are going to focus on personal privacy, protecting the information about you that others collect. In today’s digital world, you would be astounded at all the different entities that not only collect information about you, but who then legally share or sell that information. […]

Microsoft warns of a Windows zero-day security hole that is being actively exploited

September 10th, 2021

In a security advisory, Microsoft has warned that malicious hackers are exploiting an unpatched vulnerability in Windows to launch targeted attacks against organizations. According to Microsoft, attacks exploiting the vulnerability have targeted companies via boobytrapped Microsoft Office documents. In short, a typical timeline of infection might go something like this: One of your users downloads […]

Potential Risk for Gmail Users On iOS Devices

July 14th, 2014

What It Is A vulnerability has been reported for Google’s Gmail iOS app that would allow for an attacker to intercept all email communications through a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack. The MitM attack allows a third party to intercept your data before it is received by the designated recipient. Additionally, if an attacker can trick your device into […]

December Edition of OUCH!: Anti-virus

December 4th, 2014

SANS has released their December edition of OUCH!, covering the functions and limitations of anti-virus. “We are excited to announce the December issue of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Jake Williams, we explain what anti-virus is, how it works and its limitations.  Ultimately, our goal is for people to understand that while anti-virus helps […]

January Edition of OUCH!: Mobile Apps

January 14th, 2015

SANS has released their January edition of OUCH!, covering how to securely use mobile apps. “We are excited to announce the January issue of OUCH! This month, led by Guest Editor Chris Crowley, we cover how to securely use mobile apps.  Since many of you have new mobile devices after the holidays, we figured this was a perfect time […]

University Employee Payroll Scam

University Employee Payroll Scam

January 15th, 2015

Earlier this week the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) and FBI sent out a report regarding a phishing scam targeting university employees. Users are receiving e-mails about a change in their human resource status and are sent to a link to website to address this change. The link sends the victims to a page that looks […]

January 15, 2015 Phishing Report

January 15, 2015 Phishing Report

January 15th, 2015

Recently the Information Security Office has noticed many instances of a phishing scam requesting users to download a document from Drop-Box for their financial records. The e-mail contains many different sections that may seem legitimate, but you should NOT open the link or respond to the e-mail. Please note that the download link in the body […]