Tag: summer life

Moving Out and Moving Up

Moving Out and Moving Up

Shalom, friends. Sorry I’ve been lackluster in my blogging lately. It’s only been because I’ve been a little too busy doing this…

And this…

And this…

Oh, and this…

That’s right! I’ve been busy unpacking and setting up my bedroom in my new apartment!

So, between completely moving out of my mom’s place, working a bunch of shifts at the hospital, being involved with the move from Children’s Memorial Hospital to the Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and organizing the 30 To Do lists that I somehow managed to accumulate during finals week last semester, this past month and a half has been CrAzY.

It’s also been exhausting. I recently realized that in the past two years, I’ve moved six times:

1. From Palatine to Loyola (Fall 2010)

2. From Loyola to Palatine (Spring 2011)

3. From Palatine to Evanston (Summer 2011)

3. From Evanston to Loyola (Fall 2011)

4. From Loyola to Evanston (Spring 2012)

5. From Evanston to Rogers Park (Last Month!)

I think the desire to finally settle down is one of the reasons that I’m the first of my roommates to be totally unpacked, despite the fact that I’m the only one who completely moved out of their parents’ place. I’m just glad to be finally settled in, and I plan on staying put for as long as I can.

When I’m not busy trying to make my bedroom look like something out of Pinterest or Tumblr, living on my own (plus two roommates) can actually be kind of stressful. It’s a huge adjustment, and there’s a lot of learning as you go along.

For example, groceries are actually kind of expensive, the fridge and cookie jar don’t fill themselves, internet isn’t just “there” and when its your own apartment, you actually kind of care about the cleanliness of the place. (See: Yesterday I spent the whole day sweeping, dusting, and mopping. I survived by telling myself, “And there is only one thing we say to dirt: Not today.”)

I have had some other awesome summer experiences, though. I even got outside and participated in The Color Run. It was wonderful, and a perfect 5k for a beginner like me. I can’t wait to do it again next year!

I can officially cross "Run a 5K" off my list of things to do!

Overall, I’m pretty pumped for this summer – I live in a beautiful apartment that’s a block away from the beach, an L stop away from my friends and a 10 minute walk from Evanston. It’s gonna be greatttttt.