Tag: Puppy Bowl VIII

Super Puppy Sunday!

Super Puppy Sunday!

Apparently there was a pretty big sporting event this weekend. I’m not sure about the details, but it sounds like Ireland won, despite Bulgaria catching the snitch? Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. The reason that I don’t know the details of this national game is because I had all of my attention focused on another one: The Eighth Annual Puppy Bowl.

Oh yeah, it's Puppy Bowl time!

The Puppy Bowl might be my favorite sporting event of the year. It has everything you could want to get a complete game experience:

–  a tech savvy bird, tweeting (literally and figuratively) all the highlights of the big game

Meep, a bird, has more followers on Twitter than me. That's a little embarrassing...

– a half time show, complete with adorable kitty cats

Madonna's got nothing on this cute kitty!

– a piggy pep squad

This picture makes me lawl every single time I look at it.

– a great tie in website, complete with video highlights and hilarious blogs

And finally, the Puppy Bowl is simply adorable to watch. Where else can you spend two hours watching puppies chase each other around, all for a good cause? That’s because all of the precocious pups who played in the big game are up for adoption.

So, even if Aberdeen and Fumble were the only MVPs of the game, I think everyone is a winner here.

Pictures of Puppy Bowl – Attributed to Animal Planet