Tag: Org Fair

UNICEF of Loyola

UNICEF of Loyola

DISCLAIMER: This blog post is a shameless promotion of a truly amazing on-campus organization in which I happened to be a member.

The Organization Fair is quickly approaching, and many undergraduates at Loyola are looking for new opportunities and activities.  Whether a student is looking for something he or she truly believes in, or simply looking for a way to fill some free time, there is certainly a group for everyone.

This year, I am a member of the Executive Board for UNICEF of Loyola.  Our first semester was a smashing success, and we’re looking for new members to join our group and keep the momentum going.  UNICEF is a leading global non-profit that works to end preventable child deaths across the globe.  Our club raises money and awareness for this cause.

So if you’re looking for a new organization to join, and you’re interested in social justice, stop by and check out UNICEF’s table at the Org Fair.  I promise you will not be sorry!