Tag: Hot Chocolate

Will Run for Chocolate

Will Run for Chocolate

When you sign up for an average 5K you usually get a fancy, new race shirt, maybe a water bottle if you’re lucky. When you run the Hot Chocolate 5K you earn a little extra race swag. Crossing the finish line of this race earns you a “Finisher’s Mug”, which (of course) includes, hot chocolate, chocolate fondue, and goodies to dip in your chocolate. Not a bad deal.

The Hot Chocolate 5K is a pretty big deal in Chicago with a total of about 45,000 people running–including the brave 15K-ers. Runners are sectioned into “corrals” A-T, then started at 3 minute increments. I started in corral H and managed to run all 3.2 miles before my mom even started from corral T. There were only a few thousand people in between us. Corralling this many people also meant that we had to line up at 6:15 AM. Getting up before the sun in November also meant that it was about 35 degrees outside. If you want your chocolate you’ve got to be dedicated!

The race course weaves through downtown Chicago, starting and finishing near the Buckingham Fountain. Along the course are typical hydration stations with Gatorade and water or if you need a sugar rush… cups of chocolate chips. Whatever keeps you motivated!

While most of the runners wore their new 5K sweatshirts there were a few who were more creative in their attire. My favorites were the people dressed as Hershey’s kisses, M&M’s, and bananas.

Sitting down on the lawn with my Finisher’s Mug at the Post Race Party could not have made me happier. Because let’s face it, I was only in it for the chocolate.