Tag: Delicious

Nacho Crepe Night

Nacho Crepe Night

I’m pretty sure we’ve all heard the cheesy (yes, I went there) joke:

Q: What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?

A: Nacho Cheese!

Inspired by the above joke, a few nights ago, my friends and I took a much needed study break and had “nacho crepe night.”  I made the long trek from Fordham to Georgetown (see my upcoming post on factoring wind resistance into your estimates of time it takes to get across campus), to find my friend Scott in the kitchen with this:

Yes, this is a cookie sheet covered in nachos.

They were just as delicious as they looked. They were especially tasty for someone like me, who can barely cook and found out only last year that she had been making Kraft Easy Mac wrong her whole life. Even though one of the best parts about living in upperclassman dorms is having your own kitchen, I rarely take advantage of mine.

But as if those nachos weren’t enough, our friend Mallory made us these:

I'd just like to point out that this was made in a dorm room.

It was unreal. I haven’t feasted that much and that well in a very long time.

I think the moral of this story is that a) nachos are delicious; b) crepes are delicious; and c) nachos AND crepes are indescribably delicious. It’s also a reminder to take advantage of the amenities provided to us, because even Simpson Dining and ramen can get tiring after a while.