Tag: Brigades

Im Tad, Like a Tadpole

Im Tad, Like a Tadpole

In 2009 I started my attendance at Loyola completely unsure of what I wanted to do with my life. I knew I wanted to help people and I decided I would take advantage of every opportunity that was given to me.

I came to Loyola for a number of reasons, but I stayed after I realized how perfectly the school fit me. To this day I can approach any one of my professors, at almost any time, and ask for help on basically anything. Loyola offered me the college experience that I had never expected.

Since making the decision to come to Loyola my life has completely changed. I have done things that I never would have dreamed of and been involved in opportunities that have opened every possible door for me. Not only was I involved in research my freshman year, I also just got back from 12 weeks in Europe at JFRC (Loyola’s campus in Rome). And this January I am preparing to go to Panama on a dental brigade. And if like that wasn’t enough: I am fully trained as an EMT, I’ m involved in many different student organizations and I volunteer at different places on a weekly basis.

As for majors I started with Biology, like every other person interested in pre-med, and soon after changed everything, and then changed back. After a long process and 5 different changes I am a Biophysics and Biology double major, with minors in Math and Art, on a pre-dental track.

I grew up in Southern California, yes I know, why did I leave? It’s actually a pretty simple answer, Chicago!

Frank Sinatra put it best when he sang “Chicago is my kind of town”. The people are friendly, the sports are awesome, the environment is amazing and I can experience any of it with a simple thirty minute el ride downtown.