Month: March 2013

Hello from Melbourne, Australia

Hello from Melbourne, Australia

After 31 hours of traveling, I’m finally here! The feeling is incredible. I’ve worked for months making sure I was prepared by reading books, filling out paperwork and visiting advisors. As I stepped out of the airport I knew it was finally time for the pay off!

The first and biggest difference I noticed about being in Australia is the weather. Right before I walked into the O’hare airport in Chicago, I tossed my heavy winter coat back into the car hoping I made the right choice. It was a good one – I’ve been here for about a week now and the weather has been upper 90s everyday.

This week has been a crazy one to say the least. Finding wifi, buying food, exchanging currency and brushing up on the metric system were all adjustments I had to make. However, I finally feel like I am settling in. None of this would have been possible without the support of the friends and family I left behind. Each time I see a good sight, I instantly think of them and wish they could experience it with me. I’m doing my best to photo document the trip, but I am finding that  nothing can capture how beautiful the views here actually are.

Along with people back home, I have found a few angels along the way. The first day I arrived was a rough one. I was jet lagged, had no food or any idea how to get some and I was really feeling the stress of being so far away from home. I have five roommates that immediately took me in, literally. They taught me how to ride the tram, gave me food and most importantly gave me my first connection to finding friends. I have also really bonded with a group of five girls from various  parts of the U.S. and Canada, which is what has really helped this place feel like home.

This is just the beginning – many adventures and stories lie ahead here in the land down under!