The GoGlobal Blog


Our Minutes Hasten to Their End

Our Minutes Hasten to Their End

“Like as the waves make to the pebbl’d shore, So do our minutes hasten to their end.” -Shakespeare, Sonnet 60 We’re getting close to the end, folks. Most of our finals are done now, so we’re just in rehearsals for our last two performances and trying to get in all of the last-minute sightseeing we’ve …

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Food Porn, Delusions, and Free-Range Children

Food Porn, Delusions, and Free-Range Children

Mukbangs I have recently been made aware of a fascinating Korean subculture known as mukbang. Basically, it’s food porn but without the involvement of any actual porn. A person, known as a “BJ” a.k.a. “broadcast jockey” (you’d think if there wasn’t any porn involved they would have chosen a less suggestive name, but oh well) …

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Thanksgiving in Rome

Thanksgiving in Rome

The final matches of calcio are being played, it’s finally starting to cool down and Thanksgiving is upon us at the JFRC. Thanksgiving is a holiday traditionally spent at home with family and close friends. This year is the first year I, and I’m sure several other students, will not be at home celebrating with …

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3 Places You Must Go in Sicily

3 Places You Must Go in Sicily

Ciao! What a busy two months I have had… Since I last posted, I have been to 10 cities in five different countries. Each weekend I slept in a different place and saw and did so many incredible things! This past weekend in particular was one of my favorites of the semester. Last Thursday night I …

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What we May Be

What we May Be

We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” Shakespeare, Hamlet Birthday blog post! This week has been another exciting one, even though I have been sick for most of it and busy with homework for all of it. We are officially done with classes that aren’t Acting or Shakespeare. We had …

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Under a microscope of hate

Under a microscope of hate

This past weekend was full of emotions for people all around the world. After receiving the news about the series of attacks in Paris I felt life stop for moment, everything went quiet, Rome lost its eternal vibe, and all around went solemn. These past three months my friends and I have been living in …

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From Positano to Paris

From Positano to Paris

[This is my attempt at trying to make sense of what’s happening in the world recently. Writing has always given me a good outlet for my thoughts and emotions, so here’s hoping it does the same now- bear with me, my dear readers] I spent two days in one of the most beautiful places in …

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Thus far the miles

Thus far the miles

“Thus far the miles are measured from thy friend.” -Shakespeare, Sonnet 50 I KNOW I say this every week, but this week has actually been super crazy. We’re getting down to the wire for our finals, with just one week to go until our Combat, Movement, and Period Dance presentations, and another week after that before …

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I’m Just Trying to Not Get Run Over or Threaten the Delicate Patriarchy

I’m Just Trying to Not Get Run Over or Threaten the Delicate Patriarchy

Frogger: Seoul Edition: If I were to visualize the hierarchy of road occupants in Korea, the order would be as follows: Taxis → Trucks → Cars → Scooters → Bicycles → Floating Plastic Bags → Pigeons That Wandered into the Street by Accident → Discarded Cigarette Butts → then all the way at the bottom we would reach People (this is …

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Rehearse your parts!

Rehearse your parts!

Come, sit down, every mother’s son, and rehearse your parts. – Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream Well, you can tell I’ve had a crazy week, because I took very few pictures! The big source of stress this week has been our Movement final, which is a four to five minute solo (or small group) piece …

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