The GoGlobal Blog


Under a microscope of hate

Under a microscope of hate

This past weekend was full of emotions for people all around the world. After receiving the news about the series of attacks in Paris I felt life stop for moment, everything went quiet, Rome lost its eternal vibe, and all around went solemn.

These past three months my friends and I have been living in a fantasy world frolicking around Rome, travelling every weekend, eating amazing food, consequently leaving us all to feel invincible. I am blessed to say; throughout all of this I have felt every emotion but fear like those in Paris. Friday evenings attacked left me overwhelmed with confusion, sadness, and anxiety. Sitting safely in my bed refreshing CNN my heart broke a million times over for all the innocent people affected. However, what happened in Paris is not limited to the country of France. Such horrific attacks are happening on a regular basis in other places such as Lebanon and in small villages throughout the Middle East. Millions of refugees are struggling to stay alive and find a safe place to live as they escape political corruption and violations of basic human rights. We as a society are not foreigners to such tragedies; it is just attacks in Paris are the ones that finally got the rest of the world talking.

Being across the ocean and on the other side of the map makes me feel so much closer and more connected to actions of extremism. I cannot help but assume that if I was back on US soil I would have not been able to grasp what actually happened. It would have been another CNN update that I saw and got upset over, I would not have actually had to process what went on in Paris. I would have changed my profile picture to the French flag, and then continued on with my day, I would have not truly being affected. However, not being home in my comfortable and familiar environment my life was affected. Since Friday night, I constantly find myself trying to process what happened. My thoughts have been filled with wishing I knew why tragedies such as the attacks in Paris happened, why a young study abroad student like myself lost her life, or why we use these events as channels to create more hate towards others. It is sad to see our beautiful world under such a microscope of discrimination and violence.

I believe humans are products of their environment. Thus, I constantly wonder what kind of environment are we creating for ourselves and for future generations? What kind of animals are we turning into? It is imperative that we, as an international community, use these tragedies as moments of reflection and focus on what is really important in society. Is it wealth, is it personal gain, is it peace, or is it equality? Are our actions individually and as a whole helping us achieve our ultimate goal? What is humanity turning into?

Although, I only seem to be focusing on the negative things that have happened since I last posted my past three weeks have actually been great as a whole. I spent Halloween weekend in Barcelona and fell in love. The city was full of energy and life. There is no doubt in my mind I will soon be back under the Barcelona sun.


12189605_10207986455524293_7254589316061477380_nThe following weekend I explored the historical city of Prague. I felt like I was living in a gothic fairytale.The John Lenon Wall was full of inspiring messages of love and peace, and every building was unique in its own way. The bohemian beer and the street vendors’ potato salad and sausages satisfied my enteral hunger. Prague was definitely a weekend to remember.



The time in between my trips I have spent exploring Rome and finding my own little niches. I am constantly astonished with all the adventure and beauty Rome has to offer.


I know all my friends are done with my over activity on social media, but I hate to say it I’m not. If I had it my way these last three weeks abroad would go on forever and my only worry would be where I would buy my next cannoli. All good things must come to an end but I’m not ready to say goodbye to Roma or figure out how to pack up all my new souvenirs and Zara purchases into two suitcases.

With all this being said wish me luck on the final lap of my trip, please keep Paris in your thoughts and prayers, and hope for a better tomorrow. Missing everyone bunches! Ciao for now!




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