The GoGlobal Blog


Conceal me what I am

Conceal me what I am

Conceal me what I am, and be my aid For such disguise as haply shall become The form of my intent. -Shakespeare, Twelfth Night This week’s quote is brought to you by Twelfth Night for a multitude of reasons. First, it’s Shakespeare’s best play (in my opinion, I mean, but I’m totally right) and everyone …

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With Hoops of Steel

With Hoops of Steel

Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, Grapple them unto thy soul with hoops of steel. -Shakespeare, Hamlet OKAY, I’m going to try to make this quick because I have been doing homework all. evening. and technically it’s already Monday. Let’s get going! I had a great first week back from break, but a …

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Happy anniversary to Italy and I!!! It has been almost two months since I packed my two overweight suitcases in Kansas, and relocated to Rome for the semester. So far I have travelled to ten cities in Italy and have fallen in love with the country as a whole. From the people to the food …

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Last weekend was my first trip outside of the UK! My roommate Nita and I planned a trip to Amsterdam and it was a blast! We don’t have classes on Friday, so originally the plan was to leave Thursday night. However, USAC had tickets for all people studying abroad to go see Wicked at the …

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Half way over???

Half way over???

Hola!!! I just finished crying because I just realized my time in Spain is HALF WAY OVER. I’m trying to be positive here and think, golly gee, I still have two months left in this beautiful country! That being said, I can’t stop the ticking clock in my head that is counting down my time …

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The “Thin Phenomenon”, Homosexuals, and More: Some Observations

The “Thin Phenomenon”, Homosexuals, and More: Some Observations

Welcome back! Let’s get right into it. Topics of the day include: “Where Are All the Fat People?” and “Gays: No Bueno” with bonus categories such as “Mormons!” and “A Small, Yet Amusing Compilation of Creative Uses of the English Language”. Off we go. “Where Are All the Fat People?”: This is a question I …

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The Glass is Still Half Full

The Glass is Still Half Full

FOMO: Fear of missing out. Many students abroad are from Chicago and die hard Cubs fans. The curse might finally be broken, and the Cubs might fulfill the ‘Back to the Future II’ prediction by winning the 2015 World Series. The problem is that there is a seven-hour time difference, so watching the games is a …

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Swifter than the Wandering Moon

Swifter than the Wandering Moon

“We the globe can compass soon, Swifter than the wandering moon” -Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream What a week in Paris! I’m a day late on this blog update because it’s been a whirlwind coming home, unpacking, and getting back into the swing of classes. It was such a wonderful opportunity to spend a whole …

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It’s a Small World After All

It’s a Small World After All

When I was a high school senior trying to pick a college, a very important factor for me was a good study abroad program. I’ve always loved seeing new places and was set on spending a semester abroad. It’s a big reason why I chose Loyola. However, after further contemplation I knew I didn’t want …

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