The GoGlobal Blog


Bienvenidos a Santiago!

Bienvenidos a Santiago!

I’m here in Santiago, Chile in my second week on the Universidad Alberto Hurtado Affiliate Program. So far, it has been extraordinary! I moved in with a host family, which consists of my “mom” and two “sisters” who are 16 and 18. We have two cats and a dog. The cats are named Bicho and Negri (a black …

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It Feels like a Dream

It Feels like a Dream

I’m here in Rome! It’s currently Day 8 and it still feels like a bit of a dream.   It’s been an incredible week. I’ve already gotten the chance to visit the Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum, the Roman Forman, the countryside of Farnese, walk miles around Rome and even speak Italian to the locals.   …

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Adventure is Out There!

Adventure is Out There!

–Up (2009) …and it’s up to you to go and find it! I’m posting from the pristine, pastoral, and impossibly populated city of London, England! It’s not yet registered that I’m here, and my laptop refuses to change time zones (much like my sleeping schedule), but it’s been almost a week and I’m here to …

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Ciao Roma!

Ciao Roma!

Ciao! I MADE IT! I have been waiting for this moment for what seems like an eternity. I was notified of my acceptance to the John Felice Rome Center (JFRC) back in July and have been counting down the days until my arrival ever since. Traveling here took about 16 hours, but it was worth …

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I have arrived!

I have arrived!

It’s been a week since I have stepped foot onto Aix-en-Provence in southern France. Let me just say, I’ve seen so much it’s felt as though I’ve been here a year already! I was nervous to arrive as I had only been to the metropolis that is Paris, and I knew that everything was going …

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Avventura di Amanda

Avventura di Amanda

Stapled on the last page of my passport is a small folded piece of paper stating my name and my Italian address. That, combined with my student visa on one of the stamp pages, has allowed me to live in Italy for the past four months. It is hard to believe that those days are …

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Ciao For Now

Ciao For Now

I’ve been trying to rack my brain with what to write about for this, what is my last blog post for you lovely readers. The fact that this semester has ended is still beyond me and I think I’m still trying to process everything that’s happened since August. Quotes seem to be a go-to of mine. The …

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“If it be true that good wine needs no bush, ’tis true that a good play needs no epilogue. Yet to good wine they do use good bushes, and good plays prove the better by the help of good epilogues.” -Shakespeare, As You Like It This (last) post is coming at you from my own …

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Parting is such sweet sorrow

Parting is such sweet sorrow

“Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow That I shall say good night till it be morrow.” -Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet Well, officially, we’re done! Most of my classmates are off exploring Europe, and a few have even been snapchatting me from back home in the States. I’m spending one last week here …

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