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Bienvenidos a Santiago!

Bienvenidos a Santiago!

I’m here in Santiago, Chile in my second week on the Universidad Alberto Hurtado Affiliate Program. So far, it has been extraordinary! I moved in with a host family, which consists of my “mom” and two “sisters” who are 16 and 18. We have two cats and a dog. The cats are named Bicho and Negri (a black cat), while the dog is a cute mutt from the street named Nala. Our intensive Spanish class started last Monday and is only for three hours a day! Essentially, everyday is an adventure of exploring this new city. I have already seen, La Moneda (the White House of Chile), Cerro Santa Lucia (pictured below), Barrio Bellas Artes, and many more markets. I was even welcomed to Chile my second day, by a flying piece of corn “choclo”  that hit my back! The Spanish situation is going much better than expected. Before, arriving I found the idea of living with a family who only speak Spanish, taking all my classes in Spanish and exploring a city where I do not speak the language fluently very daunting. However, everyone is very patient and I can already see my Spanish improving.

Tomorrow, we are going to Isla Negra to see Pablo Neruda’s house and the beach!

Hasta Luego!

Cerro Santa Lucia


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