The GoGlobal Blog


Second Week in Sevilla

Second Week in Sevilla

The good part of going to a new place is that the first two weeks always seem like a nonstop party. Every new turn you take in the city or every new activity you embark on feels like a constant adventure and keeps you engaged for a long time. Sevilla is a small city yet …

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Roma: First Impressions

Roma: First Impressions

  They say Rome wasn’t built in a day, and likewise, neither was this blog post. My first two weeks in Rome have been exciting, overwhelming, and incredible. During this period of time, I have just dipped my toes into the the richness of Italy and its famed Eternal City, and have much to share …

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Week #1

Week #1

Ciao!   My love for Italy continues to grow daily! Now where did I leave off….   Day five. We took our first day trip as an entire school. We were bussed over to the beautiful Lazio countryside of Tuscia. While there, we received guided tours of Villa Farnese, a mansion designed and constructed for …

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Benvenuti a Italia

Benvenuti a Italia

The moment your feet find themselves wondering through cobblestone streets amidst the foliage of orange and lemon trees blossoming, you realize you have never been happier. And as you explore through hidden alleys, you slowly realize that the convoluted streets always meet and somehow you end up back where you started or close to the …

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欢迎来北京!Welcome to Beijing!

欢迎来北京!Welcome to Beijing!

Being in Beijing for the past two weeks has been quite an experience! After getting off our 13-hour flight and getting through customs we hopped on the bus and headed to UIBE (University of International Business and Economics) in Beijing. Since it was dark out, it was hard to make out the details of the …

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Vung Tau: A Weekend Getaway

Vung Tau: A Weekend Getaway

After completing our first full week of classes in Sai Gon, we decided to treat ourselves with a getaway. Almost all 22 of us piled onto a Futa Bus, where the seats were as small or smaller than those in economy class. Two hours later, we had arrived in the relatively quiet beach town of …

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My first Week in Limerick

My first Week in Limerick

It took three flights and a whole day of travel to get to Limerick, Ireland. As our plane departed Newark airport, I looked back and saw New York City lit up like a Christmas tree and it hit me that this would be my first time being away from America and the farthest I have …

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You’re weird. But I like you.

You’re weird. But I like you.

-A Bug’s Life (1998) Hello once again from my cluttered kitchen table in Kensington, London! I’ve officially completed a whole week of conservatory theatre training and I have one word to describe that experience: EXHAUSTING. My mind was poked, prodded and stretched in my acting, audition, speech, dialects, Shakespeare, and dramatic criticism classes. My body …

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Yo no hablo – I mean – Io non parlo Italiano

Yo no hablo – I mean – Io non parlo Italiano

From a very early age, language has been one of the fundamental reasons for my love of learning. I am absolutely enamored by the endless possibilities and practicalities that speaking multiple language provides. The rhythmic beauty and dialect of the Spanish language originally sparked my interest, and is one of the many reasons that I …

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First Week in Sevilla

First Week in Sevilla

Its been a week since I set foot on Spanish soil and the time has flown by. They always say the first week is the fastest but I must brace myself for the next weeks to come. First weeks in new places always seem like a party, many of my colleagues went out and got …

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