The GoGlobal Blog


Yo no hablo – I mean – Io non parlo Italiano

Yo no hablo – I mean – Io non parlo Italiano

From a very early age, language has been one of the fundamental reasons for my love
of learning. I am absolutely enamored by the endless possibilities and practicalities that speaking multiple language provides. The rhythmic beauty and dialect of the Spanish language originally sparked my interest, and is one of the many reasons that I have become proficient in speaking the language.

Vietri sul Mare
Vietri sul Mare

Because of this, people are often surprised when I tell them that I am studying abroad in Rome. I arrived knowing no more than ten words in Italian, and it’s been somewhat of a struggle to attempt to rewire my brain with Italian phonetics instead of the English or Spanish to which I have become so accustomed.

With a little over two weeks under my belt in the Eternal City, I have developed a curious interest for the Italian language that has allowed me to further my vocabulary and pronunciation skills that I once lacked. The ability to immerse myself in the language through mundane daily activities – taking the bus, ordering espresso with breakfast, and asking a local where something is – have embodied the beauty of Italian culture, language, and the wonderful citizens that inhabit it.

Beautiful sunset on Saturday, January 23. The photo does not do it justice!

Although for now, I am merely an observer, attempting to eavesdrop on conversations to pick up some of the few words I know, and quite obviously an American, with my blue eyes, fair skin, and inability to communicate proficiently, I anxiously anticipate the adventures and opportunities that await me with this brand new language that I quickly have grown to adore. And, while I continue to introduce myself with “Me llamo Maura” instead of “Mi chiamo Maura,” I am grateful for the challenges of learning a third language and the omnipresent opportunity to expand my knowledge inside and outside of the classroom.


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