The GoGlobal Blog


“Auspicate” – Week I

“Auspicate” – Week I


“Auspicate” : to initiate with ceremonies calculated to ensure good luck; inaugurate.

Today is the first day of classes in Rome and I cannot be more (nerd alert) excited to start learning again! Furthermore, I begin learning the Italian language, so I will finally be able to find my way around Rome without exaggerated pointing and pulling out my word list every 5 seconds.

During our welcome week we were all exposed to the best parts of the Roma area. Some highlights of the week were:

1. Becoming a part of the nightlife on the river in downtown Roma.
2. Seeing the Colosseum and the Forum all in one day.
3. Speaking incredibly broken Italian with cab drivers on the way home from nights on the town with friends.
4. Getting lost looking for the Nike store because no Italians know what the word “Nike” means and obviously repeating the word and pointing to your shoes does not suffice.
5. Going to the beach for an entire day full of good food, seawater and volleyball.
6. Taking a scavenger hunt all around Roma and whilst getting lost, finding yourself in the most beautiful areas of the world that you could every imagine to see in a big city.



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