The GoGlobal Blog


Mein Deutscher Märchen

Mein Deutscher Märchen

Hallo meine Freunden!

SO I am finally here in Deutschland and it is the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my life! For those of you who are going to be following me along my German adventures, I will try my very best to describe my sensations of overwhelming joy and satisfaction with choosing to come study here.

I feel like I am in a fairytale already (oder ein Märchen auf Deutsch) as my little medieval town of Lüneburg is even more picturesque than what I imagined prior to arriving. The town has survived through both World Wars unscathed, as throughout its history it has had a European monopoly on Salt. Ergo- GORGEOUS ARCHITECTURE AND TIMELESS STREETS! It has flourished throughout its history because of this, a history first recorded around 950 AD.

Here in Lüneburg I am living with two Germans (Steffi und Maike) and a Turkish girl is soon to move in with us as well. I love that I can really push myself to use the language, and though I make silly mistakes and get a few laughs, I know that this is the way to get better. I have only spent real time with Steffi so far, and she has been so welcoming, similarly to our “German Buddies” who we were assigned upon arrival. These buddies were meant to help us find our way around at first, and help us get settled in, and I have already become a part of a great little group of people utilizing two of the buddies Sönke und Carina throughout the past week. They took us into the city, to a brewery for dinner (as well as a bar and club after), and have really shown us the German hospitality they are known for.

One fantastic way to put how Sönke und Carina made us feel, is by using the German word “Gemütlichkeiten” which has no direct translation into English. German words are fantastic in this way, as they can be long and complicated, but mean something very specific and very insightful when you think about the parts which it is constructed of. In this case, the word means coziness, and warmth because of both where you are, and who you are with. It is the ultimate comfort, whilst being surrounded by loved ones. I know my experience will yield more of this cozy happinness, and I will keep you all updated on what else is to come!

Bis später!

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