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After I went out for sangria with some of my friends in Puerto del Sol last night, we found a churro and chocolate place (I have been craving these FOREVER), which were MUY deliciosa. I can get used to ending nights out with churros… except I need to make sure to exercise the next day!!

Today some other friends and I went to mass at the Royal Cathedral next to the Royal palace. This church is AMAZING, and one of the most ornate churches I have ever seen. The mass was completely in Spanish so I was a little lost, but I tried to comprehend as much as I could. We had to dress very conservatively for church, most girls wearing dresses and a cardigan on top. Men dressed in dark jeans or dress pants with a collared shirt. After mass, we all went to eat at a cafe near Puerto del Sol. I had a Spanish omelet for the first time, which consists of eggs and potatoes, and was presented as a pie slice. I also had iced coffee for the first time, and it was given as a small cup of black coffee, with a side of sugar and a glass full of ice. It was a lot stronger than the cafe con leche I am used to, but it was something I would order again. Afterwards, we made our way back to the metro, but first stopped to enjoy the beautiful scenery surrounding the Royal Palace. The gardens and sculptures are beyond comprehension.

I have discovered my new homework/hangout spot- Retiro Parque. I went on a run around the park with my roommate, not sure what to expect, and left it more than impressed. I am so lucky to be living near Retiro, because it is absolutely beautiful- It reminds me of Central Park in New York due to its proximity to the city, but I think is even more beautiful. There are many different types of gardens around the park, a central lake where you can paddleboard, people playing and singing music, and others walking, running, biking, rollerblading… everything!! I love that the park is also enclosed by huge, intricate black iron gates that give it a separate feel from the massive city that is right next door.

I start school tomorrow at the local university, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. I will be taking 18 credit hours, with 4 spanish classes, 1 English class, and 1 Spanish medical terminology class (most excited about this class). It’s crazy to think that all my friends back at Loyola have been in school for a couple weeks already, and our first day is tomorrow! I feel like a freshman all over again!

-Things I have noticed so far:

-People push their services on you- hard. From beer to club passes to roses, each time we go out, we have to say “No gracias” many times.

-The Spaniards are very helpful when approached. Today we got lost trying to find the royal cathedral, and an older man went out of his way to walk us to where we needed to go.

-Churros and chocolate= a dream.

Hasta manana!


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