
Day 2: Is this real life?

Day 2: Is this real life?

Ciao tutti! Just finishing up my second day in Roma and let me tell you, it is AMAZING! This weekend has been a crazy/amazing blur. First with getting to O’Hare airport and realizing I was in the wrong terminal (oops) and then being up for over 32 hours straight while trying to get through orientation and a walking tour of Balduino (our little neighborhood in Rome). But I managed to rally for the photo scavenger hunt of downtown Rome, which was awesome! It was an amazing way to see the city and to bond with my fellow JFRC peeps. Side Note: Downtown Rome is EXACTLY like you’re picturing it! It is so beautiful that I literally felt like I was in a movie the entire time (Lizzie Mcguire anyone?). Anyway, after my insane first day in Roma I had an amazing nights sleep, needless to say haha.

Today we visited Castello di Torre in Pietre, which was a beautiful castle that has a church and a cantina where they bottle their own wine. After we toured the castle and winery we had an very relaxing afternoon eating a buffet and drinking their homemade wine… absolutely divine. This weekend has gotten me SO excited for the rest of my study abroad!! Hope you enjoyed reading 🙂 Ciao for now!!

My life for the next 4 weeks.

View of JFRC 🙂

Best shot from the photo scavenger hunt. Yoga anyone?

First gelato!! Fragola and limone 🙂

The start to a perfect meal and the castle.
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