The GoGlobal Blog


Ciao da Roma!

Ciao da Roma!


My name is Lydia Wassman and I am studying abroad for four weeks at the John Felice Rome Center! I’m going to be a junior and I am a history major with a communications minor.

I’ve been in Rome for two days now. I flew in on Saturday morning and spent an entire full day doing fun activities and having a scavenger hunt in il centro (downtown). The John Felice Rome Center is located outside of the downtown area, almost like a suburb of Rome. This location is the BEST because it gives you an escape from the chaos of Rome, but is close enough to il centro that it’s only a 15 minute bus ride away.

So far, I love it here and think it is AMAZING. Yesterday when I arrived was the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, who happen to be the patron saints of the city. Everything in our area was closed due to the holiday, and later in the evening there were fireworks over the Vatican and the river! It was beautiful.

Today, we went to the countryside to a vineyard and had some delicious wine and food. It was so awesome and beautiful.

I’m slowly starting to realize the challange I’m facing with this blog: I have no idea how I am going to put the experience I’ve had (so far and, I’m assuming, that I will have later) into words. Being here is a dream come true and I almost never want to leave. Italy has so much to offer in history, entertainment, FOOD! I can already tell I’m going to LOVE it here.

I’ll be uploading some pictures once I can get them from my phone to my computer, so DON’T WORRY! Plenty of pictures of awesome sites and delicious food to make you jealous and your mouth water! 🙂

Ciao! Buenosera!

-Lydia Wassman

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