The GoGlobal Blog


Final Post

Final Post

Dear readers,

This last post is being written as I return home to Los Angeles.

It’s hard to believe just a few hours ago I was shuttling around Europe, but here I am already missing Spain.

Throughout our month abroad, us students would share when it hit us that we were actually in Spain. We discussed how lucky we are to have this experience and how good it felt to be with the people we were encountering. Even though I was loving every moment of my time abroad, the whole situation really hit me as I sat on the shuttle to the airport this morning. I started thinking about all the Spanish things I would miss and the people I wouldn’t see for a while.

So far the worst part has been landing in Newark to seeing rain and experiencing taxes for the first time in a month.  Of course it was also a hard hitter to walk into a bar and realize I can’t order my own beer here.

Despite those minor inconveniences, my spirit is still on a high from these past few weeks, and I am not the only one.

Here are a some parting quotes from other study abroad friends that express the same loving sentiment as I, ad the rest of our group, feel:

 “So sad today is my last day in Spain! I’ve had the time of my life here and I can honestly say this has been the best month of my life. I’ve learned so much, met so many fantastic people, and I’ve been lucky enough to see so many places. I don’t think words or pictures could really communicate how amazing this trip was. Love everyone I’ve met here and I hope we can continue our good times back in America.” – Sara Zaza

“It’s been an incredible month here in Córdoba and I want to extend my thanks to all those who helped make it so. These past four weeks have been truly unforgettable and while it is bitter to be leaving after such a short time, I can find solace in knowing that I can and will come back to Spain as soon as I can.” – Sam Barlow

And to our Spanish friends! I never expected the kindness and patience you have shown me. I could not put a number on the times you all have gone out of your way to help us Americans and keep us safe. Good luck for those coming to America this fall, and to those who are not, I still hope to see you soon. In fact I called my mom from the airport and she asked: “If I said to you ‘I want to go to Spain next year,’ would you be up to coming back with me?”


Until then, I will miss everyone dearly. I hope to see some of you this fall and the rest in the near future.

Lastly, This was a Faculty-Led trip, so to Héctor, Adriana, Naomi, and Inma,we thank you and love you SO MUCH. Thank you for your dedication, love, patience, humor, and friendship.


I had a lot of fun.

Con MUCHO amor,

Lydia DeCoud


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