The GoGlobal Blog


Man makes plans, and Zeus laughs.

Man makes plans, and Zeus laughs.

Hey guys. I’m super excited to be blogging to LUC this semester. To fill you in right quick, I was at the John Felice Rome Center last semester (Spring of 2012) so this is my round 2. Last semester was unbelievably amazing but the time flew by so I feel extremely lucky that I get to do it all again in two weeks. I hope this next semester goes as smoothly and wonderfully as last semester did, and that my life in its current state is not a precursor for the next 16 weeks.

If I told you I knew more than 2 people attending the JFRC this fall, I would be lying. If I told you that I had my passport, I would be lying. And if I told you that I had my visa, I would have lied to you once again. However, if I told you that I broke my foot two days ago, I would not be lying. In the end, not knowing too many people who will be at JFRC in the fall isn’t a terrible thing. I’m looking forward to meeting everyone and judging from the Fall JFRC Facebook group, it doesn’t look like there’s going to be a shortage of people eager to discover Rome. (A city where I already know the bus system. Boom.) But Rome isn’t exactly the most handicap friendly city I’ve ever visited and I can’t help but be a little worried about it. Thankfully, if I don’t get my passport/visa, I won’t have to worry about any of it! No really, I’ve been assured by the Los Angeles Consulate of Italy that I will have it by the time I leave but it’s all just a little stressful. Fourteen days away seems so close and yet for some reason I feel like I’m missing a few essentials. Alas, c’est la vie. It will all work out, right? The next time you hear from me I’ll hopefully be in Rome. A presto!

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