The GoGlobal Blog


Lookin’ like a local?

Lookin’ like a local?

After being in Rome for only a little over 24 hours, I began to notice how different people have treated me, since this is my first time being in Italy alone. Firstly, today I had three…yes, three Italian people ask me for directions! HA! All I could think was ” Do I really look like a local?” (for I thought my tennis shoes and stupid looking camera bag around my shoulder would definitely give that one away).  But, in a sense, I do feel somewhat local, for I was able to give all three people directions correctly and in Italian! After all, this is my fifth time in Italy! Secondly, when I grabbed some lunch today, the waiter made small talk with me and asked all the “Where are you from? What are you studying?, etc., etc.” sort of questions. When I told him I was from the U.S., he was really surprised. When I asked him why, he said that I “walk and eat like a Roman.” Besides not knowing what that even meant, I wasn’t sure to be creeped out to know he watched me walk and eat or humored by his comment. Anyways, it sure is funny what people assume when you travel alone!

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