The GoGlobal Blog


Adventures Ahead

Adventures Ahead

Studying abroad in Italy has been my dream for typically as long as I can remember. Whether it be the fact that my bedroom at home reflects a “subtle” tribute to all things Italian, or the immense pride I take from being an Italian-American, Italian Culture has fueled many of the steps I have taken in my life, in one way or another. Now, after years of waiting, my dream is finally coming true! Although this adventure will come with many triumphs and challenges, it really means much more to me than just simply being in Italy. In a sense, I feel like this experience is more about immersing myself in the awesomeness of all things Italian and carrying it on for generations to come. Also, I feel like it serves as a tribute to my Nonna (who passed away in September 2011), who would always tell stories about growing up in her town of Pedivigliano in Calabria (the region that is the “toe of the boot”) and is the one who invigorated my passion for all things Italian. I can only imagine how excited she would be to know that I leave for my adventure in just two short days! I am looking forward to an incredible experience, visiting family and friends throughout Calabria and Italia, and indulging in every opportunity thrown my way…for I know that’s exactly what Nonna would want me to do. Arrivederci and talk to you all in Rome!

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