Category Archives: Commercial

The last 30 seconds

Produced by Ying Fu.

Ying Fu smiling on a sunny day.Ying has worked in the digital media industry as a journalist and content director since 2010 in mainland China. She came to Chicago in 2019 to study at Loyola. Ying’s 2020 election video went viral with average page views of 1 million+. She is also a member of Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society and Investigative Reporters and Editors.


Produced by Tom Arnison

Tom Arnison created an award-winning television spot for Santa Calata, a Chicago-based clothing brand that creates upcycled clothing. Thrifted materials and clothing donations are turned into modern apparel, showcased in Tom’s video.

Tom Arnison is a Chicago-based videographer, cinematographer and storyteller with a passion for soccer. Several of Tom’s projects have been shared by national media outlets, including Sports Illustrated and hosts of NPR and ESPN programs.

The Power of Words

Produced by Kaitlin McMurray.

#WordsStick is a campaign designed to spread awareness and generate conversation about the power and impact of words. This project includes two commercial/PSA videos where twelve strangers discuss the most hurtful and the most encouraging phrases that have been said to them throughout their lives. The project was created by McMurray for her Capstone project.

A Midwesterner at heart, Kaitlin grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio and graduated from Loyola University Chicago with a B.A. in Journalism and a B.S. in Psychology in 2013. She returned to her alma matter in 2017 to pursue a master’s degree in Digital Media & Storytelling in order to hone in on her video production and post-production skills. She graduated in 2019 and now works as a Producer and Creative Project Manager at GroundFloor Media and CenterTable.