“She Art” is a three-part documentary series produced by Megan McKinley. The series, which includes “impart,” “curate” and “present,” features women in the arts from the Chicago area. View the full series on McKinley’s Vimeo page.
Megan McKinley is a 2018 graduate of Loyola’s Digital Media and Storytelling master’s program. In addition to her “She Art” series, Megan produced an award-winning video titled “Dress for Success.” Megan received the Broadcast Education Association (BEA) Award of Excellence for her documentary series..
“What the Yak!?” is a BEA-winning, digital documentary exploring the ethics behind the anonymous social network Yik Yak. Leopold Stuebner explores how Yik Yak can be used in times of tragedy and how college-aged students communicate on the app.
Leopold Stuebner is a graduate of the Digital Media Storytelling program at Loyola University Chicago. His project “What the Yak!?” won first place in the Interactive Multimedia Category. Leopold is a business intelligence analyst at Apple and he is based in Ireland.
A multimedia portfolio from graduate students of Loyola University Chicago's Digital Media & Storytelling program