Tag: The Vampire Diaries

Spring Break is Right Around The Corner

Spring Break is Right Around The Corner

It’s the most wonderful time! Of the Spring semester that is. IT”S SPRING BREAK! There’s one week left before students head home, overseas or even just hang out in their off campus apartments for a week. There’s plenty to do and nothing to do at the same time, and I’ll be embracing every moment of it.

This year for break, I’m heading down south to Mexico with my family to soak up some rays (some pictures will be shown upon my return). We haven’t been on vacation in years, though, so all my other college Spring Breaks have been spent at home. Therefore, I know exactly what it’s like to look forward to break… and then feel bored and unproductive during it.

Have no fear, though. This blog is dedicated to making a list of things to do during Spring Break 2013, with things I have done and things I have yet to do.

1. Pick up that hobby you’ve been waiting to start- Whether it’s writing a book, knitting, Mixed Martial Arts, or Video blogging, just do it already! I know- this applies to me too in regards to the video blogging.

2. Catch up on your television shows- Watching your favorite shows in college can be hard when you have night classes during them, you don’t have the right channels, and you just plain don’t have the time. So take some time (but not too much!) to enjoy your favorites- because The Walking Dead, The Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars are all awesome.

3. “Dolce Far Niente”- I’m picking up snippets of Italian here and there, and this saying translates to “The sweetness of doing nothing”. So go ahead, be daring, and spend some alone time with yourself being idle. This may seem scary, but how many people can say that they’ve mastered the art of just spending time with themselves, getting to know themselves while doing absolutely nothing at all? Consider this my challenge to you.

4. Redecorate something- This can mean redecorating your room at home, your apartment, yourself or your life. Or you can do all of the above. This week may be short, but it’s plenty of time to evaluate your life both physically and mentally. Clean out your closet finally and donate your old things. Repaint. Hit the gym and get a haircut. Check in with your New Year’s resolutions and see how they are going. Making little alterations or beginning to make big ones is a great way to productively spend time. It’s called Spring-cleaning for a reason.

Now, you may be wondering why all the activities on my list seem rather individualistic. Include other people in them if you want and can! But from personal experience, I’ve noticed that I don’t hang out with too many people during my Spring break because our breaks are different, we’re in different locations, I want to take time for myself, whatever the reason.

Also, it’s pretty easy to come up with things to do with friends. Are you more likely to go bowling with friends or by yourself? When you are on own, the feeling of nothing to do and a lack of motivation kicks in, so sometimes it takes some outside help to get inspired. Therefore, hopefully, you guys will do one (or all) of the activities above during your week vacation to preoccupy yourselves.

Back To Classes

Back To Classes

Fall break has come to an end, but the Halloween season is just beginning. On Monday, I carved my first pumpkin. He’s not the best, but he’s not the worst, but you guys can judge that:

(We tried to make him look half happy and half evil. I don’t think it really worked.)

Along with pumpkin carving, I also got a massage from Elements Therapeutic Massage out in Bloomingdale (they have several locations). It was a 55-minute session that helped me relieve some stress. The best thing that came out of this massage were the tips I got for relieving my tension headaches, which at this time of year are pretty common for college students. I’m definitely going to use my new found advice daily and I recommend that people check out this place.

The day was wrapped up with a big self-prepared dinner, and let me mention that using the entire stove-top while cooking leaves a lot of room for disaster. Somehow we miraculously managed to not burn, break or ruin anything, but the kitchen was filled with tension and preparing food for almost an hour.

This dinner was not for any special occasion, though I’ll continue to joke that it was for the Canadian Thanksgiving. For those who didn’t know, Monday was Turkey Day for Canadians and for people like me who used that as a reason to make a feast. For those of you who did know, you either broke out the pots and pans and joined the cooking party, or you are jealously waiting for the American Thanksgiving, which is still a month and a half away.

I started writing this blog yesterday as a break from doing my homework. This week may only be a half-week, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Thursday, I have my first Social Statistics test, followed by my first Management test on Friday.

Grades are starting to trickle in, so I’m slowly getting an idea of where I stand in my classes, and though I’m doing well, I want to step it up a notch to do even better. This semester has not been an easy one and tempers are getting hotter as the weather gets colder, but two things to be happy about are that the leaves on the trees look beautiful, and in two weeks, we’ll be halfway through the semester. Let’s keep on trucking.

PS: I started re-watching the Vampire Diaries from the beginning which reminds me to tell everyone what an awesome show it is. And Season 4 premieres this Thursday at 7PM. That’s all. 🙂