Tag: Adjusting

Times of Transition

Times of Transition


Transition: Passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another.

Throughout our lives we all undergo transitions, whether its slow like the changes of age over the years, or fast like moving from your childhood home to someplace completely new. The transition from high school to college I think falls somewhere in the middle. This is something that most of us have been planning or thinking about for a while, an inevitable change that we all must endure if we want to get a degree or lead successful careers. This change does develop slowly, but then all of a sudden it’s happened. One day you’re sitting in your dorm and you realize that everything is officially, finally, irreversible changed.

I’m not trying to scare you. If anything this should be a good thing. The transition from high school to college is often a smooth one. For me it was definitely scary, especially in the weeks leading up to the move, and very much so around the time I had to decide where I would go to college. But moving in and adjusting to my new life was like a new adventure.

If I had to pick the hardest part about the change, I would have to say adapting to new study habits and work styles. Your schedule is not longer 7-3 with maybe a few hours of practice or extracurriculars after school and then homework till you pass out. Yeah I still do homework till I pass out sometimes, but I also do homework at 2 o’clock between classes, or while I eat breakfast, or lunch. At first, this concept was unthinkable. I studied at night. That was how things were, and how I thought they should stay. This of course started to backfire when I realized that my friends wanted to see me at night and I wanted to actually sleep so I could get to my 8 am the next day.

The transition from high school to college is going to be different for everyone, there is no doubt about that, but just because it’s a change doesn’t mean it has to be awful. Like anything in life it will have its ups and downs, and you’ll have good days and bad days, but by the time you get through first semester you’ll be comfortable and college life will be normal for you. So don’t be scared, be excited, and be ready for the amazing adventure ahead.


High School vs. College

High School vs. College


Going to college is one of the most life changing and influential experiences one can ever have. Here, students will finally begin to dig deeper into their desired major and career path, learn more about who they are as a person, and develop into a mature person. Everything may be different compared to life in high school-less “dramas”, less or no mistreatment from other students, and more. Specifically at Loyola, I can assure you that the students, faculty, and staff here are more open-minded and considerate. Like Loyola has said, it has always intended to help the well-being of each student. Personally, I think that this statement is true only if you make your own effort to go forth and use its resources; it won’t come to you spontaneously.

Especially if you attended a small, private Catholic high school, the transition into college may be more drastic and/or radical.
Here is my list of differences between college and high school based on solely on my experiences and understanding:

-in college, you are surrounded by students who, for the most part, are mature and care as much as you do about academics
-in college, technology is up-to-date considerably
-in high school, you may have instructors who do not specialize or have a PhD in the subject they teach
-in college, there are a variety of useful resources that can help you become more involved, stay healthy, and have fun
-in high school, quizzes and exams are not as frequent as they are in college
-in college, students have independence to do what they want to do and go wherever
-In high school, there may be more opportunities to seek out help from the instructor
-in college, you develop better, effective ways to succeed in class (like study habits, teaching yourself a concept, etc)
-in college, there is a bigger possibility you might meet your friends for life