Scholarship Searches

Scholarship Searches


Affording a college education can be expensive, especially if you plan to dorm on-campus. Besides financial aid from the FAFSA, scholarships (external and internal) can substantially reduce expenses. But getting a scholarship isn’t easy. You have to earn it; you need to meet all the qualifications that the scholarship specifies for.

One advise I have for you- create an account through Fastweb. This site sends emails every week and suggests a list of scholarships that match certain characteristics and info that you provide in your profile. You do not have log-in and log-out from the site consistently; you get informed of scholarships all through email, which makes it so easy and efficient to use. From this site, I was able to get some scholarships and with that, I can testify that this site is worthy of trying out.

Internal scholarships (aid from the school) are usually found the school website. For Loyola, there are 2 kinds of internal scholarships- merit-based and non-merit based. Usually the merit-based scholarships are awarded when you first apply for school admittance. The non-merit scholarships vary greatly and they are not automatically awarded to you- you need to apply for these scholarships separately.

Here is a link to the LUC scholarships: h


I highly encourage you to keep in touch with tons of companies (big or small) and see if scholarships are available. Sometimes, having connections/networking can really help because they can personally put in a good recommendation for you to the scholarship committee.

If you have any other questions regarding scholarship searches, feel free to leave a message down below or contact the financial aid office at  773.508.7704


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