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Archive for the ‘Infection’ Category

“blocked sign-in attempt” – Phishing Scam – June 5, 2019

June 5th, 2019

Below is the most recent phishing email and website we have seen. Similar to past emails, this scam attempts to trick users into entering personal account information (e.g. username/password). Users should not click any links in this email and should delete it right away. As a reminder, Loyola will never ask for your password or […]

New Ransomware Hits the Net – ZeroLocker

New Ransomware Hits the Net – ZeroLocker

September 3rd, 2014

Last week, security researchers identified a new ransomware trojan in the wild. This new variant, deemed ZeroLocker, operates in a similar fashion to last year’s CryptoLocker. Ransomware is a category of malware that restricts access to a computer or files and demands a ransom be paid to restore access. CryptoLocker and ZeroLocker accomplish this by […]

“Bash” Bug Affecting Linux, Mac OS, and Potentially More Systems

“Bash” Bug Affecting Linux, Mac OS, and Potentially More Systems

September 29th, 2014

A French IT manager recently discovered a flaw in the way millions of devices communicate across the internet.  The bug is found in “bash,” which is a program that translates human-readable commands into a language readable by the computer’s operating system.  This bug affects any device that can connect to the internet and uses the operating […]

JavaScript Ransomware Spreading

January 6th, 2016

What is believed to be the first JavaScript-based ransomware-as-service is spreading. Because of the way it works, Called Ransom32, it is likely to be able to infect multiple operating systems including Windows Mac and Linux. It is generally spread via phishing type email and is contained in a self executing ZIP file attachment that is […]

Email Alert – September 26, 2013

Email Alert – September 26, 2013

September 26th, 2013

The UISO has been alerted to an email received by several Loyola community members. The email has the subject “INCOMING FAX REPORT” with a file attached. The attached file is a virus, and if executed, will infect your computer. If you receive this email, delete it immediately. If you every receive email that is questionable, […]

Beware: Increase in Malicious Emails – Updated!

November 12th, 2013

Loyola community, The UISO has been informed of several new incoming emails with malicious attachments.