Manage Stress Right

Stress can escalate until your neck is sore, your heart is racing, and you feel overwhelmed. On an average day, more than half of the workforce leaves work with neck pain, tired eyes, or sore hands. Many take the stress home, vent with family or friends, and then have trouble sleeping. Stop the stress cycle …
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Self-Care Strategies

Self care prevents burnout, reduces the negative effects of stress, helps you refocus and is beneficial for your overall well-being. Join professional and personal groups you enjoy. Ask for help if you need it. Build downtime into your day. Conduct regular reality checks. Put up relaxing photos of people or places that are important to …
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Professor Brian Kelly guest lectures in Germany at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH Regensberg)

This article was originally posted by Prof. Dr. Philip Anderson of OTH Regensberg on June 7, 2019 online: ​ Professor Brian Kelly traveled to Germany to serve as a guest lecturer for one week at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH Regensburg). He completed a varied and challenging program at the Faculty of Applied Social …
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MSW Student receives the Gran Varones Positive Digital Arts Fellowship

The School of Social Work is proud to announce that Aces Lira, a current dual degree major in social work and women’s studies and gender studies (MSW/MA), is an award recipient of The Gran Varones Positive Digital Arts Fellowship. The highly competitive year-long fellowship is comprised of a cohort of six Afro-Latinx and Latinx, HIV positive, gay, trans, queer, and …
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Interprofessional Education at Loyola’s School of Social Work

A new course launched in the spring of 2019 has won a Healthy EQ Interprofessional Innovations Award. The course entitled Advanced Counseling at the End of Life, combined students from the Schools of Law and Social Work in a unique interprofessional classroom environment.  The course promotes interprofessional competencies through a model that enhances client centered …
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As President of the American Association of Suicidology I will…

As President I will address three primary issues: 1) Improving Board governance. I am working with Board members to restructure the way the annual conference is organized, the role of Board officers, and developing a skills matrix for identifying Board members. 2) Improving visible and hidden diversity on the Board. Board members are and have …
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Building Relationships, Understandings, Competencies, and Solidarity

This spring and summer Loyola BSW, MSW, Anthropology, and Stritch School of Medicine students participated in several migration-focused immersion programs with students from the Univeridad Iberoamericana-Mexico City and the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, ITESO. The immersion programs took place on the Mexico/U.S. border and in Mexico City and Chicago with the …
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Social Work Professors Mason and Kelly receive Vigilante Award for Scholarly Excellence

Congratulations to Christie Mason and Brian Kelly who, along with co-author Virginia McConchie, were recently awarded the 9th Annual Florence W. Vigilante Award for Scholarly Excellence.  The award is given in recognition of the best article published in Volume 40 (2020) of the Journal of Teaching in Social Work.  The publication, “Including Neuroscience in Social …
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Interinstitutional Transnational Experience About Migration Studies – Two Jesuit Institutions Partner to Provide Academic Practice and Social Service

Professor Maria Vidal de Haymes has a long-standing commitment to migration studies. One focus includes international student exchanges within a humanitarian framework linked to social service with the Mexican migrant population in Chicago. Dr. Vidal de Haymes (Loyola University Chicago) and Dr. Graciela Polanco Hernandez (Iberoamericana University, Mexico) developed an interinstitutional transnational program designed to …
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