Social work faculty leads major initiative by theĀ Jesuit Migration Network of U.S. and Canada

Maria Vidal de Haymes has been designated as the Teaching and Research Dimension Coordinator of the Jesuit Migration Network of U.S. and Canada (JMN-US/Canada). The JMN-US/Canada provides a platform for parishes, schools, universities, social centers, retreat houses, and other ministries rooted in Ignatian spirituality and tradition to come together across provinces and sectors to discuss, reflect, and collaborate on initiatives focused on socio-pastoral service, research/teaching, and advocacy related to issues impacting migrants, refugees, and internally displaced persons (IDPs). Inspired by the Scriptures, Catholic social teaching, and the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus, the network works to protect and promote the human dignity of those who are displaced from their homes. JMN-US/Canada is structured along three dimensions: Advocacy/Issue Education, Research/Teaching, and Social-Pastoral, reflecting the organizational dimensions of the broader regional network Jesuit Migration Network of Central and North America (known by the Spanish acronym RJM-CANA).
RJM-CANA a work of the Social Apostolate of the Jesuit Conference of Latin America. As the Teaching and Research Dimension Coordinator of JMN-US/Canada, Maria serves as the representative/coordinator for this same dimension in the RJM-CANA with colleagues from Jesuit universities representing the Mexico and Central American regions. The aim of RJM-CANA is to integrate the various works of the Society of Jesus across North and Central America to cohesively 1) respond to challenges facing migrants, refugees, IDPs and others who have been displaced around the entire region; 2) defend the rights of migrants in countries of origin, transit, destination, and return; and 3) promote the rights of all persons to live, work, and flourish in their place or country of origin, but when that is not possible, to exercise their right to seek better conditions of life outside of their place of origin, be it in within their national borders or across international borders.
Maria has also been asked to serve on the Pastoral Migratoria National Advisory Board which builds on the success of the Pastoral Migratoria / Immigrant Social Ministry of the Archdiocese of Chicago. This ministry of immigrant leadership for service, justice and accompaniment in parish communities which began more than a decade ago in Chicago has been recognized as a national model is expanding to support the development of infrastructure for immigrant leadership ministry in arch/dioceses across the country.

Photo taken at the opening session of the 2019 Conference of RJM-CANA: Migration and Violation of Rights at Borders, held October 28, 2019 at the VXIII meeting of RJM-CANA, October 29-31The conference was immediately followed by VXIII meeting of RJM-CANA, October 29-31


Photo taken October 29, at the VXIII meeting of RJM-CANA at the VXIII meeting of RJM-CANA, October 29-31