Student Spotlight: Kristen D. Totten, The President’s Medallion


Totten, who started law school after an 8-year break from college, ranks 4th in her class.

Leadership. Scholarship. Service. Those three words are etched onto the President’s Medallion that Loyola awards annually to its most outstanding students. They are words that neatly summarize all that the University represents. And they also sum up the 2013–14 President’s Medallion recipients—students who excel not only in the classroom, but also in the world, and are dedicated to helping those around them.

“Each of the recipients was recommended for this award by their academic dean because they exemplify a wonderful combination of achievement in scholarship, leadership, and service,” said Dean of Students Jane Neufeld at the annual President’s Ball at the end of the fall semester.

“In addition, they are seen as persons of integrity, good reputation, and manifest leadership in serving others,” Neufeld said. “In short, they are students for which Loyola and its founders can take great pride.”

2013–14 President’s Medallion School of Law Recipient: Kristen Totten

Over the past two years, Kristen has proven to be an exemplary legal scholar. She ranks 4th out of 238 students in her class and has also served as the assistant coach for the criminal law mock trial team.

But Kristen is far more than a scholar and coach. She’s volunteered for the Center for Elderly and Disability Law; served as a Guardian ad litem as a part of the ChildLaw Clinic at Loyola; and worked with high school students to encourage them to think critically and aspire to reach their goals.

Click here to read more of  Kristen’s interview.

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