The GoGlobal Blog


Last few days of being a teenager

Last few days of being a teenager

So, I’m suppose to be reading a huge article right now for my Poverty and Development class that I have in about an hour, but I thought it would be more productive just to blog. (: This last week has gone by really fast! I can’t believe that it is going to be April in …

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G’day Mates!

G’day Mates!

After countless hours fretting and packing, I’ve made it Cairns, Australia. It’s hot, and beautiful, and Australians really are whacky and love their beer. Orientation has been a week long adventure, giving us a taste of what we can expect for the rest of the trip. After we finally start to get used to the …

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Czech it Out!

Czech it Out!

Czech it out! This weekend my friends and I visited possibly of of the most beautiful places I have even been. With the city being a museum in and of itself we were able to roam around without much of a plan simply admiring all the views this city has to offer. We stayed at …

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Perspectives on East Asian economic development model: the roles of external economic assistance and timely government intervention

Perspectives on East Asian economic development model: the roles of external economic assistance and timely government intervention

The East Asian economic developmental model has been one of the most distinguished features in the field of comparative political economy and the origins of East Asian development have been controversial. For example, Bruce Cummings contends the critical role of American hegemony during the Cold War, while David Kang pays attention to the dynamics of …

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Surfs Up!

Surfs Up!

This past weekend the other girls and I from the U.S.A  took a trip down to the coast to a little beach surf town called Pichilemu, it is where Jack Johnson filmed one of his music videos, no joke. We took a bus down after our classes on friday, it was about a 4 hour …

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Céret – la bonne vie

Céret – la bonne vie

Céret is a small border town that sits just on the other side of the Pyrenees in southern France. A friend has a family friend with an apartment in this quaint ville and we were invited to stay for the weekend. Leaving Friday morning, we broke up the two hour train ride by stopping in …

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Celebrate Me Home

Celebrate Me Home

March 20, 2012 Celebrate Me Home It’s Tuesday and I am late in writing to you yet again…I think the European lax ideas of tardiness are starting to rub off on me.  All of my apologies, I am now caffeinated and ready to share!  So, to start where I left off…midterms ended (thank God) and …

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5 Countries. 11 Days. Challenge Accepted.

5 Countries. 11 Days. Challenge Accepted.

If I could  describe Spring Break 2012 in one word: whirlwind. It was seriously a crazy week of planes, trains and automobiles. The first day, I was in three countries. Three countries in one day. What is this craziness? That’s what I was asking myself as I reached my hostel that night. However, despite the …

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Sicilia è Tranquillo

Sicilia è Tranquillo

So, even though this happened like a million years ago, I feel obliged to update you on my trip to Sicily because of how awesome it was. I went the weekend before spring break and then the week before break was midterms (which are actually taken pretty seriously here), so there wasn’t much time for …

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